She Made Him Laugh
By Dawn L.
Dallas, Texas
Ms. Munves was my son Avery’s fifth grade teacher. I believe early in the year Ms. Munves recognized that Avery does not love sitting and listening and will often, like many children, start day-dreaming, doodling, and fidgeting when required to sit at a desk. The most wonderful characteristic (and there are several!) about Ms. Munves was she did not hold Avery’s energy against him. She did not resent him. She did not make him sit still, instead she made him laugh!
Throughout our school years we all have good years and bad years. Fifth grade was an excellent year for Avery. He learned. He questioned. He contributed. He doodled and fidgeted and laughed. He was happy, and for that I am forever grateful to Ms. Munves and her smiling, hard-working self. Thank you Ms. Munves!